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The Bogen List 3 Guarantees

The Bogen List offers 3 unique guarantees that no other company in the United States offers:

1. That every company on the Bogen List is Licensed. *

2. That every company on the Bogen List is Insured.* (liability insurance)

3. That if any company breaches its contract with you, the Bogen List will provide you with a free attorney.**

* The 3 guarantees do not apply unless the customer receives an approval code from the Bogen List.

** The guarantee to provide a free attorney is provided in accordance with the dispute resolution section located in this website. Such guarantee will only apply if the customer receives an approval code from the Bogen List.

Click here to find out how to get an approval code and be covered by the 3 Guarantees.

The above three guarantees do not apply if you use your own contractor. Please click the red tab at the bottom of the website.